Main principle

Every claim to justice is subject to public principles. Trials are therefore basically public. But in fact, citizens usually stand alone in front of their judge, who can then do whatever he pleases. The bench knows that his superiors will confirm the judgments with copy/ paste. This has to improve.

The victims of the current justice system must learn to show solidarity and mobilize themselves as observers of the legal action. Participants will win, because if you participate in the trial of fellow sufferers, they will pay you back the like with like.

The goal for us, the citizens, is, to be massively attendant as observers in court cases and to get the judges, as well as local ad hoc citizen juries, to work properly.

How to apply

Register your next court proceedings on our platform. Kindly note the terms & conditions below. Send the following clarifications by e-mail to 

  1. Call for trial, where location and time are clearly specified.
  2. An abstract of 2 to 4 sentences which describes the case in short, so that the reader understands what's going on in broad outline.
  3. A summary of 1 to 2 pages.
If you are having trouble compiling the clarifications, we will try to help you. Use the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Terms & conditions

The registration fee is EUR 10.-
Transfer the amount to
IBAN: CH76 0900 0000 1020 5878 3

Donations are always welcome.

We give no guarantee for timeliness, completeness and correctness of the information provided. 

We assume no liability, in particular with regard to tips or advice, e.g. legal or sanitary, if damage may be caused by the application. Pull in a specialist! We reserve the right to refuse co-operation. Liability for slightly negligent breaches of duty is excluded, insofar as they include essential contractual obligations, damages from injuries to life, health or body or guarantees or claims according to product liability law are affected. 

You expressly acknowledge and agree that we contact you from time to time via e-mail. Your personal information will remain with us and we will not disclose anything to third parties except the information you provide us about your public case. We point out that, as a provider of this platform, we are not aware of the content of the transmitted data and their use by third parties (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Any cookies, text files stored on your computer, only allow the analysis of the use of the website by you. The information generated about your use of this website by the cookie might be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. 

You are also welcome to getting involved as an observer. Participation is voluntary and there is no contract. You might be able to post comments in our blog. In any case, please pay due respect and abide by custom and law.

For supporters and sponsors separate agreements can be made.

By using this platform and the applications herein, you agree to the disclaimer, terms & conditions above.

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